Lead a More Purpose-Driven Life

So you'll wake up inspired
and go to bed proud

Let me pull out my all-seeing matzoh (crystal) ball... You're inspiring people with your unique twist on things, working less, and making a big difference in 1,000s of people's lives.

Hi! I'm Suzy Dickstein.

I help people who dream about freedom to discover, develop, and champion a personal brand.

A Bissell (little) About Me

Suzy Dickstein Profile Photo Wearing Black and Blue Tank in front of Bleached Wood Wall with Elbow Knack

Some people call me “Niche Bitch” (in a joking manner) and others call me the answer to their prayers, but one’s thing is for sure – I’ve helped a lot of people figure out how truly gifted they are and turn that into a business they’re passionate about.

But I haven’t always been aligned with my own superpowers or running a business that I’m in love with.

What I needed was both the big plan that excited me, but also a game plan to start small and build up to that.

Here’s the secret to dreaming big: You don’t need to have the confidence, skills, etc. to start the business of your dreams. You can become the person your business needs to be over time.

Finding Out I Was Special

The first time that I felt special and gifted was when I read Barbara Sher’s remarkably insightful book, “I Could Do Anything If I Only Knew What It Was.” Not the whole book mind you, just 6 pages in like chapter 5 on what she called, “Scanners.” 

Scanners are people who love lots of things, start lots of projects, etc., but also drop them because they have an insatiable curiosity that leads them onto the next thing and the next one. 

Until then, I kept coming up with business ideas, but couldn’t get any of them off the ground, because I kept having to “pick one thing”, and I knew that I’d never be happy with that.

She helped me see that I needed to build a business that incorporated my love of learning, my unique gifts, and wanting to do a variety of things. 

And that’s how it started for me – I would notice these “Scanners” everywhere and would try to help them turn their gifts into tailor-made businesses.

The late Barbara Sher
Marcus Buckingham

The Words to Go With It

A while later, I got introduced to the very sexy Marcus Buckingham and his Gallup Strengths-Finder test. That test gave me the actual words for my specific gifts (or superpowers) – Strategic, Futuristic, Activator, Maximizer, and Woo and it’s a tool I use to assess all of my clients. 

It’s like a career-assessment tool except it doesn’t spit out some boring professions you’d never want to do in a million years. Instead, it tells you how to tailor your current career or what to look for if you decide to change professions. 

You see, we all have these natural abilities that come to us so easily that we don’t even notice them, but this is how we stand out and rise above

Time to Start Living Up to Your Potential

You might be thinking – Special? Superpowers??? Um, no, I’m definitely not feeling special or powerful lately. 

You’re right, you’re not feeling it because you’re out of alignment with who you truly are. 

Don’t listen to your stupid gremlins who tell you that you’re too young, old, ugly, short, accent isn’t good enough, skinny, fat, short, poor, stupid, uneducated, unloved, etc… to succeed.

If you’re like most people your gremlin has convinced you that at least 3 of these are true (you’re welcome to DM me and let me know how many s/he’s convinced you of).

Yet, someone you know has succeeded at starting a successful biz without getting richer, more famous, skinner, prettier, younger (seriously harder to pull off), losing your gorgeous accent, or getting another stupid certification (that no one will ever ask you for).


Your Superpowers Are Your Key to Freedom

My entrepreneurial friend, you can stand out from your direct competitors and AI robots (uch, I hate having to say that) when you find the sweet spot of:

  1. Your God-given talents and strengths
  2. Your purpose and mission in life
  3. What people want to buy from you (ironically, it’s not what most entrepreneurs are try to sell them)

Something magical happens when you realize there’s someone out there that you (yes, you) can help best, that you can become the person your business needs you to be (you can make smart business decisions and build new habits), and you can speak in a way that resonates with your ideal prospects (and make sales).

It changes you when you have clarity and know your direction. You stand taller. You speak with more conviction. You make sales easier.

The World Needs Us to Fight the Good Fight

I am not saying that I have all the answers to being happy, rich, and free. Far from it. No guru here! 

Like you, I’m just trying to figure this crazy world out (while reading and watching way too many entrepreneurship/productivity/self-help books/webinars/courses and battling those nasty voices in my head saying that I can’t do this).

What I do know is that I am meant for more and so are you! And maybe we can help each other get there because I’ll bet… 

You hear God whispering quietly to you that you’re meant for more when you finally stop doing the 1,000 things on your to-do list. 

Know how I know? Every single person that I’ve helped surprisingly admits the same thing – they’ve heard the voice; they know they’re supposed to be helping waaaaaaaaaay more people than they are now.

While you’re saying and acting like all you’ll need is to just learn some cool marketing tactics, what you really need to do is stand up for the meaningful change you want to see in the world.

It means you become the spokesperson for your mission.

You develop a personal brand.

And I’d love the opportunity to use my God-given gifts to help you find your mission and build your perfect business around it because…

The world will be a much better place when you are reaching your potential, championing your mission, and using your creativity to come up with innovative products and services

[scheduling site="https://suzydickstein.as.me/consult"]
[scheduling site="https://suzydickstein.as.me/consult"]
[scheduling site="https://suzydickstein.as.me/consult"]