How You Show Up Onscreen Matters

How You Show Up Onscreen Matters

So many people are showing up as postage stamp speakers or voice-over artists, as if their slides are the star of the show. You can’t be a voice-over or postage stamp speaker and make an impact!  If they can’t see your eyes, you are not connecting, and isn’t connection your major objective?  Nobody can be […]

What to Do about those Annoying Ums and Ahs

How to Eliminate the Ums and Ahs

In my two decades in and out of Toastmasters, you’d think that ums and ahs are the biggest sins on the planet. They even have a person whose job it is to spot them. I disagree! If you’re standing up there worried about what you’re saying, you’re not focused on the right thing – your […]

How To Be Less Nervous When Presenting

How To Be Less Nervous When Presenting

Have you noticed all of the virtual summits popping up lately? Perhaps, you think to yourself, “I should do one” or maybe you’ve always wanted to speak at a live conference.  Or maybe, you’re just tired of struggling with your business and you want to market less while making more gelt ($). Speaking on (virtual) […]

Your Presentation is a Story and You’re Not the Hero

Your Presentation is a Story and You’re Not the Hero

You tell a great story in which you are the hero of the story. Of course you are. You went through what the audience has gone through and come out the other end. Your solution shows them that they can do it too. But are you the hero in this story? Are you the guru? […]

Why You Want to Improve your Presentation Skills

Presenting gives you an amazing opportunity to strut your stuff like no other medium. You get to show how much you care about your subject matter and your clients, that you have a process that cuts down on time, and that you’re fun to work with.  We live in an era of too many choices […]

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