What’s More Important than Storytelling?

What do you think is the most important skill you can develop to become a more confident, riveting, and memorable speaker than you are now? Watch this video to find out what I think.  https://vimeo.com/512316813 It’s as simple as that. So why aren’t you telling more stories? What kind of stories? Personal stories. Professional stories. It […]

How to Take Advantage of Clubhouse

The audience for the Clubhouse app is growing by leaps and bounds. Have you thought about how to you can use this in your business yet? Here are some ideas to get you started because it’s only going to get bigger and bigger and bigger, e.g. Twitter is already testing out its own version called, […]

Are You an Overdeliverer?

Most speakers pack way too much info into their presentations. Are you one of them? I’d say that’s the number one reason why most speakers don’t feel they are engaging – they don’t have time to be.    And that’s a serious problem because lots and lots and lots of content is not the goal.    Watch […]

How to Stand More Confidently

You’re standing at the front of the room. You haven’t said anything yet, but the audience members are still judging you.  And there’s a lot riding on that judgment. Are you a leader? Do you know what you’re talking about?  Watch this video to find out how to stand correctly, so your posture shows you […]

One of the Biggest Opportunities of 2021

171,268 people won’t be flocking the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas this week like they did last year because the event has gone 100% digital.  They’ve spent over a million dollars customizing a new platform with Microsoft to try to recreate the serendipity that happens live. That large of an investment means it’ll […]

It All Starts with an Amazing Idea

If you want people to be excited about your idea, you need to be excited too. Exuberance is catchy and can’t be faked.  I’d say it’s one of those priceless things that you can’t really work on (as opposed to most presentation skills, which are). It’s either there or it’s not, except for this one little […]

What You Might Need Before the “How” Presentation

Without a doubt, people sign up for presentations that start with “How” in their titles. People want the how!  And when it comes to sales presentations, that’s what most salespeople give them, but it might not be what they need – yet.  Watch this video to find out “why” (pun intended).   https://vimeo.com/492710116 P.S. If […]

How to Handle the Laughter Live Versus Online

Most presenters want to be funnier on stage. I know I do. And, for sure, it’s not easy to come up with funny material. But delivery is a skill that can be learned. Ironically, what you need to deliver humour well on stage, is exactly the opposite of what you need to deliver it well […]

How to Segue into a Story like a Professional

Most people announce they are diving into a story or simply dive right in. When you use the “Tap and Transport” method, you tap into what they want, then transport them into your story.  You want them hooked so they want to hear your story. Getting that small “yes” is important to being an engaging speaker.  […]

How to Handle a Blank Mind

I’ll bet you worry about blanking out when it comes to standing in front of an audience. Everybody does.  It’s not the end of the world. I’ve seen people like Simon Sinek get cheered on by his audience for how he handled it. Here are some ideas to try out when (notice I didn’t say […]

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