Are You an Overdeliverer?

Most speakers pack way too much info into their presentations. Are you one of them?

I’d say that’s the number one reason why most speakers don’t feel they are engaging – they don’t have time to be. 


And that’s a serious problem because lots and lots and lots of content is not the goal


Watch the video to find out how to become an ex-Overdeliverer. 

Are You an Overdeliverer?

P.S. The biggest shift you can make is from focusing on trying to prove you are the smartest person in the room to providing your audience with a transformation that leaves them smarter than when they came in. 

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Hi, I'm Suzy Dickstein

I’m the creator of “Rise to Rave-Worthy™”. I help online service providers build a business they want to rave about (and so do their clients).

Want to find out the #1 Reason your business isn’t rave-worthy yet?

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