How to Handle Polls and Chats Online

How to Handle Polls and Chats Online 2

When you present online, there’s a lot going on, and it can be hard to pay attention to it all and still come off as a professional. How do you handle what you’re saying, polls, and chats all at the same time? You… P.S. If the idea of doing a virtual presentation overwhelms you, […]

How to Keep People Engaged Online

Presenting online is not the same as presenting live. How do you keep people engaged?   It comes down to one thing (and I warn you, there might be a bit of dancing in this video)… P.S. If you want to get started doing virtual presentations, so you can spend less time trying to […]

How to Turn around the Nervousness

Who isn’t nervous when they present to a bunch of strangers. And oh the stuff our bodies do, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t something you can do about it.    In fact, from what I can tell, all super nervous speakers have something in common – they are all focused on themselves. And that you […]

What’s Your Message?

Before you sit down to presentation software, you need to know what your big idea is and how you’ll take people there. You should be able to sum up your talk in one sentence, the answer to “What’s your message?” Otherwise, you have skipped a step – the most important step. Because if you don’t […]

Let Your Characters Speak and Watch Your Stories Come to Life

Let Your Characters Speak and Watch Your Stories Come to Life

As moviegoers, TV watchers, and book readers, we know that scenes have dialogue, but for some reason, when we tell stories, all the characters seem to be muted.  Your stories need narration (the part where you set the scene), but the story only comes to life when the characters get to be themselves and say […]

How to Have a Story Right When You Need it

Have a Story Handy Right When You Need It

The number #1 thing you need to understand to be remarkable (and I mean that literally – for people to remark on you) is that people need to remember you.  People cannot remember what you tell them unless it’s anchored in their minds. Otherwise, it just vanishes. Poof!  What I mean by “anchored” is that […]

The Key Insight to Become a Riveting Speaker

Most presenters provide lots of useful content. So much content that they can’t be engaging because they feel rushed to get through all the material they need to cover in a short amount of time. That’s why I call them, “The Overdeliverers“.  Although it comes from a caring place, useful content just isn’t enough. I […]

Give Thanks Today, but Don’t Start with Thank You

Give Thanks Today, but Don’t Start with “Thank You…”

Most presenters waste the most important line of their whole presentation – the opening – on pleasant pleasantries. As it’s Thanksgiving here in Canada today, I thought it appropriate to say that “thank you” is warranted at the dining room table, but not at the beginning of your presentation.  Come out with a bang, let […]

The Most Important Thing Your Story Needs

The Most Important Thing Your Story Needs

We often just think of a story as a series of events, but if you want your story to be riveting, you’re going to need to do more than just list off some facts.  Here’s how to make your audience sit on the edge of their seats. P.S. Do you need help getting leads […]

How to Make a Great First Impression

How to Make a Great First Impression

So many speakers dig themselves a hole before they even start their presentation. It’s really important to start off with a bang! Here are 3 ways to do just that… P.S. Do you need help getting leads from your speaking opportunities? I’m here to help you.  Become a Rave-Worthy Speaker

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